Quaid-i-Azam Campus
The vast Quaid-i-Azam Campus, surrounded by the busy city areas, has grown over the years into a comprehensive center of academic activity. It accommodates academic blocks, student hostels, staff residences, a Medical Complex, sports fields, swimming pool, a Boat Club and other facilities. It provides a peaceful and conducive environment for academic pursuits. A canal running through this Campus adds beauty to the surroundings. Various academic blocks are situated towards the north side of the canal whereas the student residence blocks lie to its south.
With the addition of academic and other blocks over the years, the facilities at the Quaid-i-Azam Campus have grown gradually to meet the expanding requirements of teaching and research. The University plans to provide additional academic, residential and other facilities to meet growing future requirements
With the addition of academic and other blocks over the years, the facilities at the Quaid-i-Azam Campus have grown gradually to meet the expanding requirements of teaching and research. The University plans to provide additional academic, residential and other facilities to meet growing future requirements